Do you need a way to convert Photoshop files to halftone dots? Are you searching for the missing “Screen” button in Photoshop CS5, CS6 and CC?
Not a day goes by that someone doesn’t call to say they upgraded to Photoshop CS5, CS6 and CC and they can’t find the “Screen” button that they use to set the halftone frequency, angle, and dot shape. Adobe removed the Screen button starting with CS5 and now it is much harder to make these settings.
The T-Seps Halftone Converter is a Photoshop plug-in that takes any channel separation you created in any version of Photoshop on a Mac or PC and converts those seps into individual files that are already halftoned and ready to print. (This program does not create color separations.) In fact the program works on one-color grayscale images that need to be converted to halftones, too. After running the program simply print the individual files to a software RIP like T-RIP (or any brand of RIP), print the files direct to an inkjet printer or laser printer, or save the indiviual files and print them from Corel or Illustrator.
The T-Seps Halftone Converter is not a full “RIP”. A standard software RIP (raster image processor) not only converts a file to halftones but also controls ink volumes, nesting of multiple images on one page, and printing with black ink from all the ink slots (to conserve ink). BUT, if you don’t have a RIP, then this is the next best thing. And, even if you do have a RIP, it is a real pain to change the RIP to the correct frequency, angle and dot shape for each job now that there is no longer a Screen button. With the T-Seps Halftone Converter you are just a couple of mouse clicks away.
You can purchase the T-Seps Halftone Converter HERE.
Watch our short YouTube video and download the Instruction Manual here. When you purchase the program (which is a download or physical CDonly), you should download the Instruction Manual so you will know how to install it.
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